Health care
As the cost of healthcare increases, we must look to technology to aid in servicing more with less. Telehealth and Telemedicine Solutions play a critical role in health delivery and creating a solution for more effective services. These solutions play an important role for remote consultation and serve communities irrespective of the physical location. World wide the use of technology has assisted patients and doctors to do more with less. Doctors can serve more patients at a click of a button. Integrated patient record systems documents every step of the journey for both doctor and patient.
With a focus on personalized health and wellness, the digitally integrated patient-centric technology affords virtual care the opportunity to transform traditional healthcare from a reactive to a more holistic proactive approach.
With affordable healthcare being a fundamental human right, virtual care through the enhancements in wireless communications and data technologies, is playing a vital role in addressing health inequities. The social determinants of health impacting access, cost and quality resulting in the at-risk patient no longer needs to be seen as barriers.